Friday, July 31, 2015


Last week I saw this pin on Pinterest and I instantly loved the idea. I want to try some new things and want to improve my art. And think this is a good way to do this!
Starting August 1st, I’ll be taking the challenge and posting my painting per day here on my blog each afternoon. It doesn’t matter if you start now and submit them later or painting them throughout August. It’s just a great way to encourage myself to sketch daily and maybe you need that encouragement too! 
This would be very inspirational! 
There are no special materials given, feel free to use anything you want!
I would be very glad if some of you would decide to join me, I'd love to see other peoples drawings (painting).
Who's ready for a new 30 day Character challenge in August?

Monday, July 27, 2015

Sometimes I like to paint flowers and butterflies.

 Sometimes I like to paint flowers and butterflies. I did a series of these butterflies. Watercolor seems to suit their extreme fragility, and their beauty. They were really fun to paint, I love the colors. Hope you like them.
Original watercolor painting 11"x 14 "

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Orange Sulphur (Colias eurytheme)

The Orange Sulphur (Colias eurytheme), also known as the Alfalfa Butterfly - 11"x 14 " Original watercolor painting. 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

11"x 14 " Original watercolor painting-European Peacock (Aglais io) butterfly.

"The butterfly has a wingspan of 50 to 55 mm. The base-colour of the wings is a rusty red, and at each wingtip it bears a distinctive, black, blue and yellow eyespot. The underside is a cryptically coloured dark-brown or black."