Saturday, September 9, 2017

Goblin Valley State Park in the Emery County, Utah

When traveling across Utah, don't miss Goblin Valley, State Park. It consists of hundreds of alien looking rock formations known as goblins that are both mystical and beautiful. 

I can only assume that this is what the Planet of Mars looks like. Goblin Valley is of another world. It’s also the best place imaginable for a game of hide-n-seek! It was such fun to wander around and explore. Lots of fun pictures to take.
In one word, I would say Goblin Valley is fun.

The Goblins are amazing and the fact that you can hike in and around them makes it even more spectacular. At different times of the day the light gives different expressions to the rocks.

 Gobblins are Everywhere!
An amazing place! This is a child's dream place to run around a play in this fantastic world of rock formations that appear like mushrooms or mazes of little gobblin creatures. 

 An amazing place! 
Very special and worth visiting.
Would love to come back here.