Wednesday, May 18, 2016

San Francisco, California, United States 2016

This is our first time here. Pier 39 is a fun, touristy locale - snacks, candy, touristy stuff to gawk at and buy. The little carousel is charming. Great food. From late summer to late spring (mid May), there are typically hundreds of sea lions.
 California sea lions have chosen to haul out at PIER 39’s K-Dock because there’s plenty of food nearby in the bay and ocean, their natural predators (white sharks and orcas) do not typically feed in the bay and there is plenty of space. Also, the docks are easier to haul out on, more comfortable and more protected from storms than a rocky beach.

They are wild animals that come and go as they please. They swim out into the Bay through the opening that the boats use at the north end of The PIER.
When the first sea lions arrived, the dock was filled with boats and overnight guest docking. The boat owners were not too happy about having to avoid sea lions in order to reach their boats.
 At PIER 39, the California sea lions often “argue” over a haul out spot, who got there first and who is going to stay.

 Very informative visitor center. Very clean and nice.