Sunday, August 23, 2015

Dog (cat) Memorial Portrait. Frequently asked questions.

My dog (cat) has died and I only have poor photos.
Can you create a memorial portrait from this?
And do you return the photos? 
Generally, it's a good idea to have the best possible photo of your pet, however, I'm also aware that this is not always possible.
Perhaps your pet has recently died and you only have a few poor photographs, or maybe it's a surprise present and you're limited in the photos you can obtain of the subject.
In these circumstances I advise that you send the photos first for evaluation before ordering,
I'll then take a look at them and advise you if it's possible to do a memorial portrait from them.
I always return any photos that are sent to me.
To give you an idea, here's an example of a recent commission I undertook where there was only poor photos available,
because the cat had recently passed away.

The photograph seen on the right was the best pose, but very poor quality.The other photo was of reasonable quality so I was able to use this as a reference for the color of the eyes.