Sunday, August 23, 2015

Do you accept photos by email? Can I post them to you? What digital format should they be in?

It's possible to send your photos to me in three ways:
1. By email
2. By mail as photo prints
3. By mail on CD or memory card

If you are sending your photos by email:

When sending photos via email, please use the "jpg" file format.
Do not send photos in a PDF file format, as it is not possible for me to edit the photo
if I need to crop it for preparation of the portrait.
Ideally the photos should be taken with a digital camera that is of at least 3 megapixels in resolution.
If you are sending a number of photos this way, you may need to send them in two or more emails,
because most email providers allow no more than 10 megs for attachments and
one photo may be approximately 2 megs in size.